In a rare and heartwarming moment, two high-profile Ugandan families came together in celebration of Maya, the eldest daughter of Grammy-nominated artist Eddy Kenzo. The event, captured in a series of joyous social media posts, featured not only Kenzo but also his ex, singer Rema Namakula, along with her husband, Dr. Hamza Sebunya, and Phiona Nyamutoro, the State Minister for Minerals, who is also current wife of Eddy Kenzo.
The celebration of Maya’s 13th birthday marks a milestone for the teenager, but perhaps even more striking was the peaceful union of the adults in her life. Despite their highly publicized breakup, Kenzo and Rema stood united as co-parents, along with Nyamutoro and Dr. Hamza, creating a rare public display of blended family harmony.
Nyamutoro’s birthday tribute to Maya was especially touching. In her heartfelt message, she reminisced about their bond since 2020, when Maya was just 9 years old. “It feels like just yesterday when you were a 9-year-old insisting that we rock the same hairstyle during holidays… I never imagined I would find a kindred spirit in a child!” she wrote, praising Maya’s grace and calling her “my first firefighter,” a sign of their deep connection.
This moment of unity comes at a time when the spotlight has often been on Kenzo and Rema’s separation and new chapters in their lives. For many, seeing them come together for Maya’s special day is a powerful reminder of the importance of family and co-parenting, regardless of past differences.
Though the celebration centered around Maya, the larger narrative speaks to the evolving dynamics of modern families, especially in the public eye. Maya, now a teenager, has become a symbol of grace, resilience, and love, surrounded by the support of her parents and stepparents, who have shown that moving forward with peace is possible.